
Friday, August 25, 2006

I'm an idiot...

Yeah... I just joined another swap... It's... it's the Swap-Bot!!! It hypnotizes you and FORCES you to join swaps! I swear it does! I'm not the only one who have noticed this.

Anyway, it's "Hot Socks" and you need to send some sock yarn, something to make a cup of hot drink; coffee, tea or cocoa, to someone, and then a little suprise or treat :-) So - just join you too LOL

Right now I'm in 9 swaps...
Cherry Red and Tangerine Orange
Red & Aqua Swap
Paper Doll
Magic Yarn Ball Again....
Warm hands, warm hearts
Samhain fiber craft swap
Hot Chocolate And Book - International
Trick or Treat goodies
Handmade Christmas Ornament Swap

And I think it's a pity that I missed the Nordic Secret Pal Swap LOL

Monday, August 21, 2006

Wardrobe surgery

Picture: Angela Johnson; redesigned, reconstructed and recycled clothing
Yeah... I didn't do it this time either *sigh* Ok, so I'm bad. So? *grrr*
So look at all the nice stuff all the others have made and get inspired :-)

P.S. "Junky Styling" specialise in recycled eco friendly fashion, deconstructed clothing, wardrobe surgery, unique bespoke fashion and made to measure clothing in East London.

Sock Wars

Ok, I joined the sock wars :-) Perhaps idiotic, because I live in Sweden. I'm pretty fast at knitting socks, but... I live in Sweden. It takes at least 4 days to get anything to US... So - what happens, if I have sent my sock to kill my "victim", but someone else have sent her sock to kill me at the same time? I have to wait to get the sock from my victim before I can sent it to my killer, and during that time someone else might have killed my killer, and SHE needs to send the sock to the next killer, and... Er...

It sounds really funny! :-D And it will be nice to get a pair of socks :-)

So, please join you too! Go to Yarn Monkey's blog ( and send her a message :-) You have about a month to join :-)

The battleground will be the Sock Wars Forum :-) Now BE THERE!

P.S. It's ok to practice a bit ;-)
Two socks on one circular needle - toe-up
Two socks on one circular needle
Casting on for two socks on one circular needle
Straight-laced socks - two at once on one needle :-)

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Knitted handbags

What is it with these knitted designer bags?

Valentino, Ferragamo and Fendi have all made their version of the "knitted bag". And the knitters all over the world are exited...

Black Dog Knits: Attitude
hitbyabus's Ferragamo bag photoset

Er...? I don't get it. I think these bags look all a bit... er... how to say it... self-made.

Well, sure, they are a little bit classier than "Interweave Knits' "Give Me A Handbag"
(I like this "Via Diagonale" Knitty pattern)

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


This is what I am currently doing. The pink bag is the little unsuccessful effort of making the "French Marketbag". On the right is the blue "White Lies Shapely Tank" - I'm going to make it with sleeves. It's a bit bothersome job, because I have to multiply my main cotton yarn. I'm using a large cone of one-ply cotton, and I am using it 4-plied. And I don't want to just use four yarn balls, so I'm spinning it into yarn. And I have to wash it so that the spin relaxes, so... it takes time. But I'm sure the top will be nice.
The multidirectional, orange thingy is "The Felted Bag with Mitered Squares". It's the current knit-a-long project. I am using the one-ply wool yarn I have plant dyed myself, three-plied, so that I get the colors to mix better. I don't like the bamboo handles, so I'm knitting the handles. It's going to be interesting to see how it works in felting... I'm considering giving the bag away in a swap, but I might want to give it to my mom instead, as a Yule present.

I really have been a bad girl with my swaps. My poor One Skein pal haven't got more than one skein, and she should have got already two AND the final thingy... I'm going to send her something extra, as thanks for her patience with me.
And my Secret Pal is also going to get a BIG package this month... I hope at least that 10 days are enough to get the package to Australia...

I would actually like to be doing some Mabon crafts, but I don't have time for that. Perhaps I need to draw down all the swaps for a while at least... *blush*

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

more swap packages :-)

I love swapping :-) I love selecting the items for a package, wrapping them and sending them, I like knowing that I have managed to bring a little joy to someone's life :-) This really is addictive :-D
And eventually you get a bit more substantiate rewards too LOL
I have got two swap packages this week. One Skein last package - my swap pal was Swedish LOL She managed to keep her identity secret very well :-) Tack, Ulla, du är underbar! I just wish I knew where your blog is - if you have one... She has been sending me these wonderful, luxurious yarns in perfect colors, and wrapped so beautifully in nice scraps of quilting fabric.
Now she send me a card revealing her identity, a wrist warmers and pattern for it :-)
I have a tendency to get my wrists cold and aching, so she didn't know how well her gift suited me :-) I really cannot pour enough praise over her LOL The best One Skein pal ever :-)

And the Secret Pal :-) I got a note saying that a package was heading on my way, and today it arrived! YAY!

It was in a silver box. I love boxes :-)
Inside was a card - very nice card, with a picture of Whitby Abbey in sunset. Very mysterious and nice cards :-) You can see some of it behind the flash... *blush* I'm not good with pictures, I'm afraid...

Then there were the fashinating stone candles...Very nice :-)
A wool fat soap from Mitchell's Wool Fat Soap Limited :-)
Then there was a bag of sugar candy :-) Joseph Dobson's Yorkshire Mixtures :-D So I am munching away these "old fashioned sweets" as I sit here :-) The English apparently enjoy their sweets stronger than we do ours. These candies taste a lot :-)
A big package of Indian Spiced Chai tea bags... Cardamon, cinnamon and gloves. My husband is especially in love with chai, strong spiced tea with sugar and milk. :-) (By Whittard of Chelsea ;-) I really enjoy the fact that she is sending me products from where she is :-) It's fun to find out more about these companies... they should give her something for it LOL)

The scents were wonderful... candles, soap, tea, candies... Not too harsh to cause headache, but just enough to make me feel as if I was in a colonial ware store... I don't know if they are called that in English, but when I was a little girl, there were these stores that sold everything brought from the exotic, colonial countries; tea, dried fruits, candy and things like that. They smelled like my package, and I still remember how I loved just passing by these stores, because when the door opened, the smell of orient poured over me... Sweet and spicy *_* So my secret pal don't know what a treat she gave me :-)

Then there was a little cupcake pincushion ornament. Very cute :-)
There was a skein of beautiful pink mohair, wrapped in green tissue paper and closed with a beautiful little pink tassel in gold ribbon. I love tassels. I am really happy about that tassel too. Makes me feel a bit like a baby who doesn't much care what's inside the packages, because the paper and ribbons are so interesting LOL But no, I do care a lot about what's in the package, I just love tassels ;-)
And I have saved the best for last. There was a tiny green package and when I opened it, I saw a pair of most beautiful earrings! It looks like a shard of quartz or glass polished by ocean, wrapped with silver wire... and they are just so beautiful! I wonder if she has made them herself...

Thank you very much, my secret pal!

I feel so blessed with pals like this!

Friday, August 04, 2006

It's been very busy lately...

so I haven't been here for a while. Poor Robbi, nothing to read ;-)

Anyway, I made myself a knitted and felted bag, the French Market bag. It didn't work out quite as I had thought, but I know where's the problem. I didn't have the right needles, so I used #3 for parts of it and #6 for other parts - and the #6 parts felted more than the #3 parts. Naturally.
So I need to figure out what to do about it... I have been thinking of cutting it in half and either knitting more in between, or adding a quilted piece there. *hmm* I also didn't sew the handles into tube, and I should have. So I could just as well cut the first effort into potholders or something, or make toys of it, and knit a new one, this time with one size needles and making the handles better. They need to be a little longer too.

I have also been making some jewelry. Here's the red candystripe earrings.

Currently I'm knitting the White Lies Shapely top, using the nice Kureyon I got from my One Skein pal and some old industrial cotton yarn I "stole" from my mother. It originates from my aunt, who used to work for Finlayson. So I assume it's as old as I am... perhaps older... but it's about the same color as the effect yarn, and very soft. I hope the top will be nice :-)

About August challenges and such:

Whiplash AUGUST is officially WARDROBE SURGURY month - re-fashioning/freshioning your wardrobe, you can deconstruct/reconstruct or embellish/decorate and of course you could do a tutorial of either of these.

Tie One On August apron is the pinafore.

"Pinafores are often confused with smocks. Some foreign languages do not differentiate between these different garments. The pinafore differs from a smock in that it does not have sleeves and there is no back to the bodice. Smocks have both sleeves and a full bodice, both front and back. A pinafore is a full apron with two holes for the arms that is tied or buttoned in the back, usually below the neck. Pinafores provide protection above (at least in front) and below waist and aprons are a protective garment worn below the waist. Here the difference is a fine line. Pinafores have complete front shaped over shoulder while aprons usually have no or only small bibs. A child's garment to wear at school or for play would be a pinafore."
-- Wikipedia (They have an entry about everything... I love Wikipedia :-))

The theme for August and September Pincushion Challenge will be: -- Recycle!
Fits nicely with the Whiplash AND pinafore theme... make a pinafore of something in your wardrobe and make a matching pincushion :-) Very housewify ;-)

Project Spectrum's August is neutral - basics, naturals, black, white, greys and browns...

The Color-iffic Swap-o-rama colors for September are white and silver. :-( Of course, there's a lot of ideas, and things can be used for Imbolc, but... er... I'm not too fond of white/silver combination. A little bit too minimalistic for me...

But Feline Flip-Flop has "August - Cherry Red and Tangerine Orange"
Red and orange... nice :-) I especially love red cats :-)

And here's the wonderful package I received from my One Skein swap pal already last month... I just have forgotten to add it here. This is Finnish silk wool blend (30/70), Silla by Wetterhoff, and it's just... *drool* LOL The color is nice too :-) Now I just need to invent what I am going to make of it... probably some kind of neckwarmer... For example something like this: Poikkiteloin. Knitty's Flora would be nice too :-)

I also love the packaging :-) So pretty :-)