
Thursday, February 25, 2010

Monday, February 15, 2010

One World One Heart 2010

Thank you so much for your kind words and compassion. Today I'm feeling better, and I hope I will be feeling better tomorrow too. It has been a bad February... but enough of that.
I have received so much from you, so I decided to make another heart. :-)

The winners are:

This year it is not going to be a pair of socks. I haven't been well, so there's only a small crocheted heart shaped basket in the loot :-)

It can be used as an ornament, or you can fill it with something and use as decoration, or what ever you like to do with it.

How to do this?
You just leave a comment to this blog entry before Valentine's Day. On 15th of February, I will pick one comment to win the basket, post the winner in my blog and wait for you to contact me, unless you have left your email addy, either by commenting using your blogger identity, or by telling me the addy in the comment. You don't need to say or do anything else. :-)
You don't need to live in Europe and you don't need to have a blog to be eligible to win the give-away.

If you have more questions, ask :-)

There's going to be a lot of others in this too, so do go and visit all the blogs doings this, leave a comment - if you are not interested in the give-away, please say something in another entry :-)

OWOH main page

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

still ill :-(

But here's some images from old (and new) craft magazines I find inspiring :-)

How to make "wicker" of old newspapers. When painted and varnished, they will even look and act like wicker! Wonderful!

Very nice looking Ostara table and how to make a crepe paper bunny

Sunday, February 07, 2010

I'm getting better now :-)

Wonderful towel made for a little girl, presumably by "Neuza" who lives in Brazil, I think.
I am fascinated by the Brazilian croche blogs... here's one: Mosaico de Artes, and here's another: Crochetando com a Zani, and here's Eu que Fiz... You get the picture - so totally different from Scandinavian and American craft blogs. I love them, can't get enough :-D Some of the things are interesting, some very nice and some so absolutely fugly... the mix is... enchanting :-D
Unfortunately I don't know if Neuza has a blog. I would very much like to link to it :-)

I love the macramé princess with her ladies-in-waiting :-) I would like to make something like this to my niece :-) She is 8 and loves pink and princesses and all girly things like that, and is a little princess herself, with golden curls and dark blue eyes :-)

I love this lace sample runner. It would look wonderful on the Yule table :-)

And finally: how to make a napkin bunny for Ostara table: