
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Top 10 green living myths

Top 10 green living myths

1) turning off the lights saves CO2 - but the same amount of CO2 can be used somewhere else
2) Sometimes it's better to keep using the old, not-so-green car, to save in the production. Buy a green car ONLY if you would buy a new car anyway.
3) Dairy farms have the same footprint on the planet as beef farms, so it's not enough to become a vegetarian.
4) It's better to boil water in a kettle on top of gas stove than use an electric kettle.
5) It's better to use night electricity with any machines than day electricity with energy efficient machines
6) Buy green power and the power company can sell its green power credits to other power companies, so that they don't need to go green...
7) Burning wood is green only if you catch the smoke and soot
8) It's better to use effective non-ecological detergent and wash low temperature, than ecological detergent and high temperature
9) Washable nappies are better for the planet, if a) you wash them in a 60 degree wash cycle b) at night c) don't tumble dry or iron them and d) only have 24 nappies
10) Don't always buy local. See also to the CO2 footprint of the production of the item.

Earth Hour

It's that time of the year again...

The official Earth Hour 2010 video:

Why would you care?
Well... a lot of people claim that this "global warming hysteria" is just that, and it doesn't matter what you do... but look at it from another point of view.
Here's Greg Graven explaining you why you should care:

He has also written a book, "What's The Worst That Could Happen...?"

You see, you are not to keep the Earth Hour because someone says you should, or because HORRRRRIBLE THINGS COULD HAPPEN if you don't.
You should keep the Earth Hour, because it is good for your mind to do things differently from what you are used to do them.
You should keep the Earth Hour because the feeling of doing things together with millions of others - YES, MILLIONS - is something powerful and amazing...
You should keep the Earth Hour as practice for electric breaks.
You should keep the Earth Hour because one hour's break of electricity is a blessing, and you can only appreciate it when you, yourself, of your own free choice and consciently decide to cut the buzz... the silence and soft darkness... candle light... heaven :-)
Just try it :-) If my husband, who has ADHD, appreciates it, you will too :-D

Monday, March 22, 2010

Damn, I'm tired...

There has been a handful of brighter days since mid-January... Like 5 days with more than 4 spoons for the whole day. :-( I'm tired, tired, tired, and tired of being tired...

I would like to translate that into Finnish, but I have no energy, and I don't trust my Finnish anymore.

I suspect I have one of these autoimmune diseases, like Lupus (SLE).

"Elimistön puolustusjärjestelmä ei toimi kuten pitäisi, vaan se hyökkää elimistön omia kudoksia vastaan"
"Tavallisin oire on käsien nivelsärky. Myös väsymys ja kuume ovat yleisiä oireita. Tavallisia iho-ongelmia ovat etenkin eräänlainen perhosihottuma poskipäissä ja nenänselässä sekä herkkyys auringonvalolle. SLE:hen liittyy usein myös munuaissairaus. Sen seurauksena virtsaan ilmaantuu valkuaista, josta voi kehittyä munuaisen vajaatoiminta. Muita mahdollisia oireita ovat muun muassa keskushermoston oireet, valkosormisuus, hiustenlähtö, masennus, päänsärky, keuhkopussintulehdus, imusolmukkeiden suurentuminen, limakalvohaavaumat, ja sydänpussintulehdus."
"SLE-taudille ei ole vielä tiedossa parannuskeinoa. Hoidon tarkoituksena on ehkäistä komplikaatioita sekä lievittää taudin aiheuttamia oireita."
"Vaikka asiaa on tutkittu paljon, ovat SLE:n syyt edelleen tuntemattomia. Se kuitenkin tiedetään, että sairastumiseen vaikuttaa useampi tekijä yhdessä. Näitä tekijöitä ovat muun muassa geneettiset syyt, hormonaaliset seikat sekä ympäristötekijät (mm. altistumista auringonvalolle, joitakin virusinfektioita ja tiettyjä lääkkeitä, stressi)

Nevertheless, I have found some very inspiring sites again :-D

Glitz-oh! Girl Her books are wonderful :-)
Gypsy Purple

Friday, March 19, 2010

Still not ok.

I'm still not feeling well. I apologize to everyone on hold because of my sickness. Right now I'm also having cold, nose running, sore throat, not fun :-(