
Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Dying to dye...

Yet another project swap-a-longy thingy :-) Dye-o-rama. And I missed it too LOL I'm sure there's someone up there caring for me :-D I have enough now! (slap on the wrist... let it go, Ket, now, let it go. Let go!)

Anway, I was looking at Whipup and they have a tag called "tutorials". Now I love tutorials LOL I am always ready to learn new things :-) That I'm currently trying to find time to learn to knit multidirectional along with Artyarns, and I have committed to way too many swaps, and then there's the little thing called life, which takes its part whether I want it or not ;-)

At Whipup there was "knitting news" with a link to Spun Magazine, which offers all kinds of interesting things. (For example the Bevin tank... One can't have too many knitted tops ;-) Especially now when summer has arrived :-) One needs to have something cottony and easy to be knit during the summer.)

And then there was the Dye-o-rama... I live dyeing yarn, especially wool! Someone said in the blog that her apartment smelled like a wet fruity sheep... :-) Heaven! Well, I'm a little... how to say it... damaged. I think I have told somewhere that I'm a shepherd. When I was 8 my parents bought two sheep, and when I was 14 we had over 50 sheep. I knew each and everyone by name, I knew their genealogy, I knew everything there was to know. My mother and brother took a course in sheep care, I couldn't join, because I was too young (only 12 at the time), but I interrogated them about everything they had done and learned, and read through their books and all. Then after high school I went to a craft school and learned to weave, spin and do all kinds of other fiber crafts. But the wool, sheep, still hold a very special place in my heart. A herd of sheep grazing on green pastures is one of the most beautiful scenes in the world... *_* So the mere idea of a whole apartment smelling like wet fruity sheep... *sigh*

So I will be following the adventures of the dyers in the group and admiring their achievements, and dreaming of having so much wool and a real spinning rock, that I could start spinning my own yarns...

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