
Thursday, May 25, 2006

Some newer knitting terms frequently used on the Internet

To frog (v.): To rip out knitting several rows at a time ("rip-it, rip-it" like a frog, get it?) Also known as frogging or taking a visit to the frog pond.

To tink (v.): To unknit a stitch at a time in order to correct a mistake ("tink" is "knit" backwards).

WIP -- Work In Progress

KIP -- Knitting In Public (encouraged)

UFO -- Unfinished Object

FO -- Finished Object

SEX -- Stash Enhancement eXpedition

Stash (n.) -- A knitter's collection of yarn, books, needles, etc.

This is from the "501 knitting secrets" newsletter. I admire the imagination and humor of the people who came up with these... ufos and sex... Oh yes!

Gromit is from Philato's blog.I love Gromit. I just watched the wererabbit again, with my husband this time, and it's... er... what is the adjective of the word genius?


  1. Hi Ket!

    Thanks for dropping by my Tree. *hug* I'm glad you like the music, too; it's one of my personal faves by U2. :)

    You've got a pretty decent place goin' on here, too, I see - and I can actually leave comments! Woo-hoo! I couldn't do that at your Yahoo! blog...

    Have a great day, my friend. *hug*

  2. Ummm, just a quick note: I appreciate you adding my blog to your list of faves, and I just wanted to let you know that it's actually called The Holly Tree. "rockintheboat" is just part of the URL for it. *hug*

  3. Don't forget SABLE: Stash Accumulated Beyond Life Expectancy

  4. LOL Roberta, I didn't know about SABLE :-D Thank you for telling me :-D
