
Monday, May 15, 2006


This week's Whiplash theme was... yarn. Uh. Well, at least there should be a lot of entries. After all, yarn can be anything.
I had real difficulties in coming up with something. I thought and thought and slept on it, and then I got an idea. What about a doll that is making herself? I can call it "unraveling myself" or "fixing my life" or "clearing up the mess"... there's always a mess in stash storage, when the stash is stored in bags ;-)

So - I knitted the doll - I hate knitting long tubes... I get bored and impatient, so my socks have short "legs" - and the doll became smaller and plumber than in the sketch :-)
Then I crocheted her dress straight on her, added the hair and braided half of it and embroidered her face. She has a tiny crochet hook in her hand - it doesn't show well in the photo, but it's there :-) I used toothpicks for the needles on her leg.
I had planned on making her a picture to be hanged on the wall, but when I had done that, I wanted to finish her and make her a doll... a bit like "I want to be a REAL boy" thingy... after all, if the idea is me trying to clean up the mess that is my life, presented with the tangled yarns, then I most surely want to clean up my life and untangle the yarns too. So I finished her on Sunday... it's kind of appropriate... it was Mothers' Day on Sunday... so now I'm kind of my own mother ;-)
(I'll put up a picture of the doll tomorrow, when the competition is over, because she isn't my whiplash entry. This is. :-))


  1. i freaking love this! way to go!

  2. I love it too, there is something wonderfully touching about the symbolism of knitting herself together.

  3. Excellent. I love seeing your idea sketch and then how it turns out! It's really wonderful!

    Congratulations on last week's entry! Yea!!

  4. She's absolutely fantastic.
