
Saturday, June 03, 2006

June's scavenger hunt

I actually managed to get one picture for the May scavenger hunt :-) (Yeah... one... from 20... Ain't I gooooood *sardonic*)

The list for June is this:
1. A blue light
2. Cork
3. Drip
4. Fireman
5. How bizarre
6. I am in awe!
7. Killer Smile
8. Ladylike
9. Morning hair
10. Odd one out
11. Oink
12. Once upon a time...
13. Pear shaped
14. Sideways
15. Tourist Trap
16. Waffle
17. Walk Like An Egyptian
18. What Light Through Yonder Window Breaks?
19. X Marks the Spot
20. Zigzag

I think it would actually be a nice list for some sort of Whiplash...


  1. You One skein pal wishes you a lovely weekend.
    Soon you get a package

  2. Oohh! Nice :-) Thank you :-)
