
Friday, October 27, 2006


halloween dishcloths
It's easy to do, quick, nice size to learn a new technique, cheap, useful and most often even pretty. No wonder knitters and crocheters get crazy about dishcloths.

There's an ocean of free dishcloth patterns, several groups in all kinds of internet forums and dozens of blogs dedicated to the art and joy of knitting dishcloths. And I am grateful ;-)

Dishcloth Boutique
Knitting Knonsense
Dishcloth Pattern Corner
Dishcloth index
Knitlist gifts
Bev's Country Cottage
Calming Seas
Chained Links - kitchen stuff
Crochet Kim Tunisian Patterns
Crochet Pattern Central - dishcloths
Janelle S.'s Site
Knitting Pattern Central - dishcloths
LJC crochet designs - patterns
Marlo's Corner
Melissa's Knit Dishcloths
Purple Duckie
Rainy Kimbrough's dishcloth patterns
Vickie Designs-Intarsia Charts
Wool Works' facecloths and dishcloths
Danielle Cote's Knit Dishcloth Corner
Knitwits' heaven free knitting patterns
Critter's designs
Belle City Soapworks free patterns
Garterlac dishcloth
Mason-Dixon knitting
Mason Dixon washcloths PDF file
Knitty's washcloths

Dishcloth fun KAL blog

Dishcloth Knit-A-Long

Dishcloths galore blog
Marilyn's Knitting Heaven on Earth
The Dishcloth Queen - The Daily Dishcloth
Dish and washcloth mania

Handmade Dishcloths group at Flickr

Monthly Dishcloths group at Yahoo!
Monthly Dishcloths group at Flickr
Monthly Dishcloths blog

Love2knit Dishcloths at Yahoo!

Carol's dishcloths - knitted kitty dishcloths at Yahoo!
and knitted kitty blog

Susan's knit patterns Yahoo! group
and knit-a-little


  1. You have so much information on your blog, I have to come by more often! ;o)

  2. Awww, amazing! Thank you so much for sharing all these links - I'm off to surfing through them this very minute! ;)
