
Monday, October 23, 2006

Time flies...

and I'm not even having fun :-(
I'm still sick. The F*** flu sits on my throat and won't give up, and I haven't slept properly for a month now... or maybe more. I have lost almost totally the apprehension of time, and I'm late with all my swaps... and I'm getting stressed because of all that, and on top of that October is almost over and I have managed to knit one (1!!!) pair of socks... Because I sleep most of the time... Not fun at all. :-(
I don't even remember whom I have contacted and informed of that the package will be late, and whom not... Perhaps I need to write to all and know that it's better to say it twice than no time at all... But I'm tired. I'll do it a bit later... After I have slept a little.

Here's something nice for you to see, anyway.

Whiplash accessories challenge:
P.S. This is really cute LOL

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