
Thursday, February 14, 2008

And the winner is...

My husband chose a number between 1 and 111, without knowing what he was choosing.

I was counting and when I got to the number my hubby had chosen, and I read the comment, I cried. (Sure, it's "that time of the month", but see this:
"If my name gets pulled by anyone as a winner, I will donate $100 to AIDS Foundation in memory of my brother. If my name gets selected more than once, I will up the ante an additional $10 every time it gets pulled (greedy I know, but one can dream!!!) If my name is not pulled by anyone, I will still make a $50 donation. This way, everyone is a winner."
I'm really happy that Fortuna chose her to win my socks and I hope my socks will fit her perfectly and warm her feet and good heart for a very long time :-)

I'm very sorry that I'm not able to give more... The comments have been very nice and I have had a lovely time reading them, and I would want to give socks to everyone. Thank you all who participated, visited my blog and left me a comment. :-)


I put my name in forty hats and from one my name was picked. (YAY!!!) But going through the blogs and every time my name was NOT in the list of winners, it felt like I lost... and it just kept happening over and over again...

I have tried reminding me,
that getting things is not the "name of the game", and I have met many amazing women (and some men) I didn't even know existed before these two weeks,
that not winning is not the same as loosing,
that from dozens of people only one (or two, three, four... ;-)) can win - and there are more people who "loose" than "win" - so I'm not alone with this feeling,
that I already have more than I can storage,
that one more thing, how ever beautiful and amazing and desirable, is going to drown in the mess, and that's not fair for me, the thing or the creator of the thing,
that I need to make space for more stuff before I get more stuff,
that I am such a creative, artistic, fantastic woman I can create something as beautiful and amazing myself (though it's not the same as getting something beautiful and amazing I couldn't create even if I tried)
that I can buy me things and that's just as good, I might be poor, but I'm not THAT poor...

But it doesn't help. I still feel like I lost...
And I don't like the feeling at all.
One of the worst experiences in my life. Will not live through that again. So no more participating in draws, lotteries and such.

I love the giving though, so that I want to do next year too. Might even have some give-aways on my own :-)


OWOH Giveaway Participants on the LOVE TRAIN


  1. I CAN'T BELIEVE I WON!!!!! And they're pink...and I have three sons and nothing girlie to speak of!!!!!!!

    First time my name was pulled. Now San Francisco AIDS Foundation wil be at least $100 happier!

    Thanks so much!!!

  2. I CAN'T BELIEVE I WON!!!!! And they're pink...and I have three sons and nothing girlie to speak of!!!!!!!

    First time my name was pulled. Now San Francisco AIDS Foundation wil be at least $100 happier!

    Thanks so much!!!

  3. I didn't think of myself as losing any of the draws, instead I like to think of myself as participating in all that good karma of helping other people win. See, if I hadn't entered, and put my name in the list at just the spot I did, it would have altared the numbers for all the winners. So I was part of selecting all the winners that I participated in.
    Of course on the flip side, I did win several prizes as well, and of course that's just plain ol' FUN.
    I hope you'll continue to stop by and visit in the future, it's always nice to meet other witchy folk.

  4. Oh, and P.S. I think that's so awesome about your winner donating to the SF AIDS Foundation. What a wonderful and amazing chain reaction of events!
