
Sunday, December 14, 2008

O Tannenbaum...

Dollhouse Tree
crocheted tree I
crocheted tree II
crocheted tree III
crocheted tree IV
crocheted tree V
crocheted tree VI
crocheted tree VII
crocheted tree VIII
crocheted tree IX
crocheted tree X
crocheted tree XI
crocheted tree XII


  1. Hi Ket! *wave* Thanks for dropping by, my friend! *hug*

    I sure don't want the Siberian cold front that's hit us - you're more than welcome to have it, if you honestly do want the snow. :)

    Seriously, though, I do understand how depressing it can feel when the weather isn't behaving the way we think it should at certain times of the year. I used to be really sad when we had brown Christmases, but since I stopped celebrating Christmas a couple of years ago, I don't care anymore. I worry about snow packs up in the mountains, and whether there will be enough to fill the reservoirs when the spring thaw begins, but other than that.... *shrug*

    Thanks for thinking of me with the meme thing, sweet lady. I don't usually do those things, though; I've just never been able to get into that whole thing. I'm sorry, hon. I do enjoy coming by to read your blog, though; you have some really interesting stuff here! :)

    I hope you have a great evening, dear lady (you're a full eight hours ahead of me, I believe), and please take big hugs from me, and share them with SB. :)
