
Monday, August 31, 2009

I'm sick...

I mean, really. Not just the normal being crazy sick, but having some sort of flu. Yeah, yeah, swine flu, perhaps. I told my husband that if I get trouble with my breathing (more than normally), he'll just call the ambulance and I'm hooked in a respirator within half an hour. I won't die of this.
But - energy level is down to toes, I'm aching all over the body and bored because I don't have the energy to do anything - not even read or watch the telly...

But I have been thinking of Christmas and all the things I'd like to do until then. It's also the last day of August, which means that all the September projects will be starting this week... and I didn't do anything for the Battlestar Galactica project... *blush*

I also found a Notebook Daily Diary, they were selling them 60% off, because - 2/3 of the year is already gone. But it's a nice, sturdy leatherbound book with a LOT of pages (way over 365), and I plan on making it into a brag book, Goddess devotional book and quote/citation book. I plan on collecting in all my favorite quotes, all my favorite Goddess images and all the things I like about myself, my dreams, wishes and favorites. :-) It will be wonderful :-)

Then I'm thinking about the "December Daily". They say about making art journals that one could prepare it beforehand, and not leave the pages for the day of journaling, so that the pages have time to dry and so on, which is sometimes needed. One could make several pages for different feelings and then choose the page that best fits for the current mood and write the journal there. An art journal doesn't need to be in perfect order... Also, one could have several journals at the same time.
So - it would be nice to have Christmas Books with inspiration, thoughts and documentation of that year...

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