
Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Things to do

All the socks I've been knitting has been eaten up by small wool eating bugs. Hate those things, but my husband has ADHD and cannot remember to be kind to the socks. :-(
I've still to do the sock madness week. And all the 1001 sock patterns I have.

I have been doing ATCs. Some of them are good, some of them are bad. The main thing is that they exist. I have made them. :-D

I am still very fond of swaps, but they always create such a stress for me. I don't like that part. I could choose some swaps and decide to make them with my husband, so we don't need to care about postal fees and deadlines. It's like a little Yule every month :-D One gets the surprise and the package, without the stress and extra cost. Like "tea, teacup, book and bookmark".

Now I don't think the "happy bunny" pillow idea is that good afterall... I really don't like to think of mean things. I think it might be a good idea to make a really happy bunny, who says nice things.

I still love not-martha's ideas

Kiddley has some very nice ideas.

Cut-out-and-keep has indeed tons of tutorials... some are actually interesting >:->

But I SHOULD knit meself Bella Paquita, Origami Kimono (especially as the baby kimono is offered for free at knitting daily) and a couple of other things...

Then there are a couple of things I want to do at Ravelry


  1. LOL Yeah, just add more things to my miles-long-to-do-list! :-D Good idea, though... I think my brother has a couple of such ugly, green chairs...
