
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Now, here's some quilling!

Yulia Brodskaya for Neiman Marcus' The Christmas Book. Do go and see her other work. It makes me breathless, wordless, humble and at awe :-D
I told my husband "It's things like this that make me question whether I am an artist. I looked at quilled things and saw nothing. Yulia looked at them and saw THIS..."
How she uses even the reflections and shadows as part of the artwork... amazing. Wonderful.

I'm crying right now :´) I'm one of these people who get into art shocks. You don't want to visit an art gallery with me :-D


  1. I love Yulia's work too, and posted some designs she did for a UK restaurant chain this holiday season on my blog recently, if you'd like to see.

  2. Really interesting blog! I have an Etsy Shop too-it's always good to meet a fellow Etsian. Following your blog now :)
