
Thursday, October 24, 2019

Today I got enough

I have been on Pinterest since September 2011.
Today I decided to leave.
It's not fun anymore.
And then I'm worried they'll do Polyvore and just sell it under our feet and we won't be able to rescue our pins.
Now... I was totally fine without Pinterest less than 10 years ago, I'll be totally fine without 2020, too.

But - I have pinned about 1/4 million things the last 8 years on 6 different boards - when Pinterest put on the limit of boards... they tried to put a limit on pins on boards as well. For a while there one couldn't pin more than 1000 pins on a board... it was good, because one cannot find anything among 1000 pins, but when they also put the limit on boards, that meant one could pin only 1/2 million things, and... er... :-D
Then they removed the origin and path of pins, stopped giving the original pinner credit and destroyed my "go where I pinned this from, it's amazing!"...
Then they removed the "other boards with this pin". That was bad.
They removed the ability to flip from pin to pin, like pages of a book. That was one of the things that made me love Pinterest. I hate it that I have to go back to the board and click each pin. :-(
Then they gave us the ability to manage our boards, and that was wonderful, and for a while everything was forgiven. But then they took it away, because they had given us the sections - which is a great thing, because it makes it easier to organize the pins - but there's a lot of moving back and forth, because one cannot do it the "old" way. :-(
Well... that's all good and fine, but... it's not working well.
They changed the home feed. We got all the ads, and Pinterest (or something) started suggesting pins - a feature nobody had asked for and nobody liked. Now they are all acting as if they are giving us something nice when they give us the ability to manage our feed. As if it was working :-D It just gives us the idea of that we have some control over Pinterest, which we, naturally, haven't had for several years.
Then they hid the titles and notes, so that one only sees pictures. :-( My notes are important to me. In fact they are essential.

I'm not going to wait until they remove next important feature and replace it with something stupid, that doesn't work, that benefits the advertisers but hamper the users.

No, Pinterest, You aren't the site I fell in love with, you aren't the one I love. I'm starting to suspect that you never felt for us what we felt for you. At least, you never listened. It's unnecessary to drag the separation any longer.

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