Lisa Oceandreamer of Heart of the Nest and Imagination Cafe is hosting the 2nd annual ONE World-ONE Heart Event, starting Feb.1 and ending late night on Feb.13, with the winners of the artworks being announced on Feb. 14.
The intention with this is to get people to look at people's blogs, and the catch is that one person who comments on this blog entry will win a prize... I will choose one name from the commentors on 13th of February, announce the winner the 14th and send this person a package 18th of February. (CET)
Every person is eligible - you don't need to participate in OWOH, you don't need to have a blog, you don't need to live in Europe. Just you have a mailing address, so that I can send you a package.
I am a little late in joining the fun - first I didn't feel I was properly prepared, then I surfed the participating sites and the atmosphere is magical... I found some things I very much would like to get, and I joined some of them, and I just wanted to join the fun of giving!
I would have wanted to be properly prepared but now I'm jumping straight in.
It's going to be a pair of pink hearty socks, women's medium size, of Finnish wool (I have personally known the sheep who have given the wool and I can promise no sheep were harmed during the process ;-), plant dyed by yours truly (again, with no animals harmed during the process - no cochenill.) and knit by me. These socks can't be washed in a machine, unless you want felted slippers for your 5-years-old, but the color will not bleed what ever you do.

The first comments came when this blog entry was still about me NOT joining the fun. This blog entry has changed very much after that.
P.P.S. There are other give-aways going on... among others Jan gives away two lovely thailandic scarfs and Christine gives away a lovely spring bag :-)
P.P.P.S. We have a dog - so the socks will be of also dog hair ;-) (That should wash off... :-)) But if you are allergic to animals, you might need to be careful when opening the package.
P.P.P.P.S. I wish I could give everyone who comments a pair of socks :´)
I have added your link to the list, THANK YOU for participating! You can add my name to your drawing, I like surprises!
Please stop by my blog as well as check out ALL the others on the event list!
Lisa Oceandreamer
I love a surprise. Please add my name for your drawing. stop by to see my offering at
Hi. I can't wait to see what the mystery giveaway is ! please stop by and enter my drawing too.
I love a mystery. Enter me. I feel lucky
Pink socks in wool. It can't get any better. ^_^ Please count me in. And thanks for entering my giveaway.
Oooo...the socks sound great! Please enter me! I am having a drawing too!
I love wool socks! Ther eis nothing better to wear in winter. Please entermy name in your drawing. Thank you
I live in Canada on the west coast where it is being unusually cold and sneauxy. (We are not allowed to say the "s" word in this house.) Warm wool socks would sure have come in handy today when I was forced to wait in a looooong line outside the passport building. They wouldn't even allow us to wait in the lobby, but let's not talk about that!
Anyway, please count me in. I am participating in OWOH too. :)
OOOO! Nice pink wooly socks from a (pink? - lol) wooly sheep ! They would be most appreciated in snowy New England - hubby always complains about my cold feet ;0) Please add me to your drawing and then drop in and see what I have to offer OWOH... it won't warm your feet but may warm your day! Deb Lewis
What a great giveaway!! I would love to be added! Barbara
Ohhhh pink socks! I would LOVE to wear pink socks! It is so cold here and snowy...my feet would be so happy :)
Please enter my name in your draw.
I hope I win! Please enter me, thanks! :)
How generous. Please include me. Come and join mine too.
Please add me to the giveaway for sure!!! Cuddly warm tootsies would be cute in pink! I just love it! I am participating as well. Please drop by and sign up!
Pink socks! Fabulous! Pink is one of my favorite colors! Can a girl ever have too much pink in her wardrobe? I think not. :)
Great idea. I love warm socks. And also suprises. Count me in please.
Be sure to check out my blog giveaway too!
I have nev er seen someone with so many blogs...enjoyed the art work on one of your others.My wife could do with some new socks so I will join in to.
Cheers Mark
I love anything pink, socks included! lol Please enter my name in your draw and make sure you come over to my blog and enter in my own giveaway if you haven't already done so:-) xo
ooo! I want pink socks. I'd like to enter your drawing and invite you to visit my blog and enter mine.
My feet are tingling at the thought of pink hearty socks!!! lol Please enter me in your drawing and I am also participating at the address below.
New Jersey U.S.A.
Oh, I would love the chance to win some handknit socks! Please enter me. I've joined, as well.
Oh I'd just LOV to win a pair of your socks! Please enter me in your giveaway! I'm having a giveaway as well, if you'd like to visit. =)
This is a super idea! I love it that you have some part in everthing to do with the socks, even just knowing the sheep. How fun is that! Please enter my name and stop by my blog to sign up for my giveaway!
I'd love a chance to win those perty socks, please count me in. :) And if you haven't stopped by already, I'd luv you to check out my magical offering. Thanks for spreadin' the love, Monica :)
I'd love a chance to win those perty socks, please count me in. :) And if you haven't stopped by already, I'd luv you to check out my magical offering. Thanks for spreadin' the love, Monica :)
Oooh, lovely prize!!
I love soft warm socks! Yours sound wonderful. So glad the sheep gave up thier wool!Now I'm seeing Pink sheep running around Count me in.
I love socks especially warm wooly ones! Please enter me into your draw!
PS: I'm participating too:
My feet are aways cold count me in on the drawing.
I would love hand made socks...please enter me into your drawing.
holly moly! a pair of hearty socks handmade and you know the sheep!!! oh boy! oh boy! please put my name in your hat! i love socks! i've never had a pair of handmade socks. i'm overdue! i hope you'll visit my blog for my give away, too. cheers!
Hello from one Witch to another!! Dunno if my size 9 American feet will fit your medium sized socks, but I will try! Please add me to your drawing and make sure to visit my blog for a chance at winning my giveaway. Thanks!
~*~Nan in NJ, USA~*~
Hand knitted socks...How VERY COOL!! er, warm! LOL
Please enter me in your drawing!
greenlady at gra.midco.net
Wsrm socks????? I live in Canada, i not only would love to win these but i need them :)
waarrmmm socks! gotta love 'em! and I love pink too! how wonderful that you personally know your woolbearers! Please count me in-
I would love to entered in your giveaway...hmmm, some cozy foot warmers!
Thank you,
Some cosy socks and a surprise!
Please count me in. I'm pariticipating too so feel free to visit me at www.nzflutterby.blogspot.com
As long as you KNOW the sheep.... ;) I'm so excited to see your creation!
I'd like to enter your drawing and invite you to visit my blog and enter mine.
Please count me in! :o)
I'm not a knitter, but I do make hooked rugs, so I'm a lover of wool fiber also. Handmade socks sound so cozy and warm and divine!
Gayle in UT
Your socks sound wonderful, I would love to be the winner, and please do drop by and enter into my gift draw too.
WOW, the pink socks would be great to win as my feet are always so cold, and the mystery gifts what fun also. To have my feet warm for once would be WONDERFUL!!! :)
i could use some pink fuzzy socks! emter me too!
What could be better than pink hearty socks made by hand! Count me in and please stop by my blog to join my giveaway.
Sophie in Montreal, Canada
Just what I need for these cold Austrian winters!
I'd love a pair of witchy pink socks - what a nice giveaway.
I didn't have some knitted sock...
So offcourse I leave a comment and in the meantime, I keep my fingers crossed ;o))
Please take a look at my OWOH giveaway too!
pinky winky :) GREAT giveaway! I love a surprise!! I hope I'm the lucky winner!! :)
Wow, cool giveaway! pink handknitted socks & surprise! Enter me, please!
They sound so wonderful. Count me in.
South Carolina
Sounds wonderful. Count me in.
Please visit my blog to sign up for my giveaway,
These sound so cosy and lovely, I love wearing woolly socks instead of slippers when I'm home. I love that you know the sheep too! Please enter me, and come and join my giveaway.
He-he-he, I think it would be the best thing to win for me - I am in cold - cold Canada, where winters are long and windy!
Visit my blog to win decorative pillow cover:
Mmmmm... snuggly socks! Please count me in. :)
And if you like, please do stop by my blog to throw your hat in the ring for my giveaway of a series of art prints at http://thisgirlremembers.wordpress.com/2008/02/06/one-world-one-heart-giveaway/
Please enter me in your lovely drawing. I just found this site today and am frantically trying to find something to put together to give away myself so be on the lookout. hugs, karen (arizona)
Nothing can make my day start better than a great pair of warm socks. I'd love to win your giveaway. (And I'm really glad no animals were hurt in their making). Sign me up and check out what I'm offering if you haven't been by. Thanks.
Oooh I love pink
I love wool
I love hand made
Please include me and visit me at:
with winter on its way here in New Zealand soon - your socks would be so lovely !! hugs
This is a great idea! However, I just moved across country and have most of my stuff in storage. What I would like to do, is go into as many of the blogs as I can and sign in. If my name gets pulled by anyone as a winner, I will donate $100 to AIDS Foundation in memory of my brother. If my name gets selected more than once, I will up the ante an additional $10 every time it gets pulled (greedy I know, but one can dream!!!) If my name is not pulled by anyone, I will still make a $50 donation. This way, everyone is a winner.
I hope to get my name drawn at least once.
Fabulous! Please count moi! And stop by my blog for my giveaway, too!
OWOH is an awesome idea.... I am from Ontario, Canada! So fun to read blogs and "meet" such talented artists from all over!! :-)
Please enter me in your giveaway! I'm participating as well, at:
freezing here in WNY i need some warm fuzzy socks thanks for playing and stop by mine for a chance as well
melissa in ny
Please enter me in the giveaway
ive never had homemade socks! please enter me!
Oh, these socks sound wonderful! I'd love to have them!
Sounds great! Please enter me in your drawing!
Well, it's quite cold here in Germany right now ;-) So your socks would com handy! Never had handknit ones... Please include me in your drawing!
I am participating as well on my blog at: http://quiltmoose.blogspot.com/2008/01/one-world-one-heart.html
How Gorgeous! Please count me in!
I would love for you to stop by my website and enter for a free pair of sterling silver, ornate Bali beads and Korean jade earrings I’ve made.
peace, light & love
Courtney/ Dublin, Ireland
This sounds wonderful!
Just the perfec thing for cold feet in the winter! sounds divine!
come visit me as I am also a part of the OWOH event and have a give away too!
Ahhh, your giveaway sounds perfect. My feet are freezing here in michigan and pink is my favorite color. Glad you got involved. Visit me.
G'day Ketutar,
I would love to be included in your beautiful giveaway, please ... OOroo ... Bethel
Please Pop on over to my place as I'm a player too ... http://tinyurl.com/39pob3
LOVE surprises and your socks sound lovely! I LOVE this little DressPlease enter my name in your drawing. Don't forget to hop on over to my Shabby Chic giveaway at:
Bunny Blessings ~
Sounds lovely! Be sure to stop by my blog for a chance to win my heavenly smelling OWOH giveaway!
socks! I like socks! Have never had a handknitted pair, so please add me to your draw!!
yes, pls. add me to the mix! how cool!! i'm doing owoh too...pls. come take a peek :0)
thanks, mary ann :0)
Thanks for doing this
What an awesome give away. my feet are always cold. LOL please enter me in your give away and then stop by my blog to enter mine.
I would love to win your drawing. Please stop by my blog as I am also part of this great event!
I'd love to enter your draw - I knit socks myself, but I end up giving most of them away, and I am especially intrigued by the plant dye for these.
I don't have a blog of my own, but my e-mail address is in my profile.
Please count me in! cstcharles@hughes.net
See my drawing at this address:
Oh, how I long for wool socks! No one takes me seriously when I ask for them at Christmastime!!!! :) Please do enter my name into your drawing & then stop by and visit my blog! :D
ooh, they sound wonderful for our chilly winter. (Not as chilly as you get LOL, but chilly for us!)
How I could use these beauties up in the north country of Montana!!
Blessings, Abigail
Please enter my name in your drawing. I have knit some of my own socks but have never had a pair handknit by someone else! Stop by and see what I have to offer.
I would love to be entered into your drawing. Please feel free to sign up for mine. I'm giving away a handmade blank book.
ooh I would love to be included! I can't knit so great right now, my washclothes! end up...eh..weird..edges rough and well...its not pretty...rofl
The Bella Modiste
please enter me in the draw - I am participating too!
what a lovely giveaway! please toss my name in the hat and then, when you have a moment, please pop in at my blog and sign up for mine! good luck everyone!
Amazing socks. I will have to keep them out of my daughter's hands or she will wash them on purpose hoping for felted slippers.
I love this OWOH giveaway. Please enter me in your drawing also.
Oh these are wonderful! Any chance you can come hand deliver them and teach me a thing or two on how to make some? I've always wanted to knit a pair of socks, but just feel too intimidated!
How pretty! I love them! Please add me into your drawing! Thank you for doing this, too!
i LOVE these socks!!! enter me to win please!!!
Hi, What lovely socks. I wear socks all of the time. Please enter me in your give away. Thanks,Cindi
Oh... these are wonderful, I love them! Please add my name to your drawging. I'm crossing my fingers, hoping...
I love them! I would love to join in the fun! Thanks.
Ooo, am I number 100??? Yea, if I am!
I love surprises!
Please include me and thanks for your generosity!
Please include me in your draw
I love your socks, how very practical AND creative! Reading your blog really made me laugh, thanks for the chuckle. Also thanks for the comment you left on my one world one heart blogspot. Take care, and happy arting. :) Stacy Zimmerman, Texas
These are so pretty, pink is my favorite color!Please count me in for your fabulous giveaway! If you haven't stopped by mine, please do!
Best Wishes,
Those pink socks are dreamy and I just love surprises. Please enter my name.
thanks stephanie
email aunt_rella@yahoo.com
Those pink socks would look lovely on this pagan in Wyoming. I knit, but have only mastered the knit and purl...I'm currently crocheting now.
Please enter me in your draw and let me extend an invitation to join mine if you have not done so. dyqf
My size is not medium, however my mom is... pls add my name, surely love to win it.
OOOh! Please enter me!
I've knitted a couple of socks and it takes me for ever - and they have no lace patterns at all, just plain simple. I think you are AWESOME to give away PINK socks with yarn you've colored yourself!!!!
amazing world we live in!
Happy valentines day!
warm and absolutely cuddley...found you through my sis, Mary Ann (Follow Your Bliss Design)...you have such a sweet blog...really like the time ticklers-you can never start too early for holiday shopping ...i don't have a blog just yet but you could find me here at flickr http://www.flickr.com/people/3littlemiracles/...hope it's not too late to enter my name for your drawing...thank you for creating such beauty and sharing your heart...xo jo ;)
These are beautiful! So...would I have to go around with stinky feet for the rest of my life if I won them because I can't wash them?
Just being silly...
It's 23:23 on 13th of February, I'm going to bed and close this. Any comments added after this won't get in the drawing. Sorry :-)
Thank you all :-)
Oh those socks are simply lovely! Please enter my name and visit my blog for a change at mine as well. Happy Valentine's Day!
So pretty and warm too! Beautiful! I hope I'm not to late! Please enter me in your giveaway and check out mine too! Thank you!!
oh these look so comfy! plse count me if it's not too late and come visit me - help get me past the 100 comment mark!
hope i am not to late please enter me and come on over to my blog and enter my giveaway if you have not already
aww... lovely socks :)
i'm participating, too.
-angela in grants pass, oregon
angelaenglund at gmail dot com
I know I missed the deadline for your lovely socks, but please stop by my blog to enter my giveaway.
Thank you!
Artful Blessings,
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