Supplies needed:
I got myself both patterns, "Corsets and Crinolines" 1911 corset, and the "Titanic era corset". I'm a magpie. I think I'll go with the "Corsets and Crinolines", as I like the hip pieces. It's a little bit more tailored, and to me the corsets this time looked highly tailored.
"...busk, ¼ inch wide flat steel bones, lace or broderie anglaise, twill tape, 2 inch wide bias, 3/4 inch wide bone casing, elastic and garter slides and grips for garters, grommets, lacing..."
Uh. What are all these things and what are they called in Swedish and how do I get them, living in Stockholm?
Sigh. Sigh, sigh, double sigh.
I have found a Swedish internet shop selling corset making materials, and a British one, that I can pay with Paypal. So - that problem solved.
But they don't have 2 inch wide bias. Now... I know how to make bias. I just don't like making it. *sigh*
I have to go to fabric shop. *sigh*
Perhaps my sisters will go with me next weekend.
But now I know "wide flat steel bones" are called "krinolinstål", and the Swedish shop sells it by meters... I wonder how they'd send 6 3/4 meters of flat 1/4 inch wide steel.
Never mind. I'm going to buy my bones from Vena Cava.
Husk is "planchette". They sell different models of husks. *sigh* Which one to get? I'm kind of tempted to get the tapered one, because they say that one was often used 1910 and about, and that's the one they use in "Corsets and Crinolines" pattern.
And I'm not at all sure we can afford buying all that stuff I need right now... so I might need to push this project in some distant future that never comes. Again. *sigh*
What ever. I'll think about that a little later.
Fabric and thread. And I may not forget the cheap cotton for mock copy.
As far as I can see, most of the corset of this time were white - or ecru, creme, something like that, so that's what I'll do. I plan using it as underwear for a period costume, so it doesn't need to be fancy.
(And I need to start thinking about "combinations" and "slips" and "stockings" and other such things... isn't it interesting that they'd wear the corset over the underpants and stockings fastened to the corset... so there's be quite a lot of bulk... Hmm... No wonder they had nice, fuller hips :-D
So - what's next?
Scaling up the pattern - done
Sizing the pattern to fit my measurements...
I can't find my tape measure.
But - I have a week to adjust the pattern to my size, and I've done that several times before, so I don't think it will be a problem.
I need to finish my model and find the tape measure. I suppose it would be nice if I could prepare the sewing room, too.

Oh, and I need to get some "extra paper, a ruler, tape, scissors or and x-acto knife, and a pencil."
I think I'd like some tougher, brown paper for the pattern pieces when they are done.
xacto knife... Hmm...
I would need one of those long, curved rulers, (hip curve?) and a one meter ruler, straight... those cost a fortune. :´(
But one thing - I'm going to adjust both patterns to me. :-) That looks like fun, and one learns a lot doing that. :-)
But I need to order my bones and husks for the mock up... I do hope they will be the right length. *sigh*
We'll see again next week, when I'll be ready with the patterns :-)
P.S. Here's more patterns:
Corset for a slim woman 1910
1910's corset pattern and instructions
Edwardian diagonal seam corset from Corsets and Crinolines - that's earlier one, a bit like the image above - 1905?
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