Wonderful towel made for a little girl, presumably by "Neuza" who lives in Brazil, I think.
I am fascinated by the Brazilian croche blogs... here's one: Mosaico de Artes, and here's another: Crochetando com a Zani, and here's Eu que Fiz... You get the picture - so totally different from Scandinavian and American craft blogs. I love them, can't get enough :-D Some of the things are interesting, some very nice and some so absolutely fugly... the mix is... enchanting :-D
Unfortunately I don't know if Neuza has a blog. I would very much like to link to it :-)
I love the macramé princess with her ladies-in-waiting :-) I would like to make something like this to my niece :-) She is 8 and loves pink and princesses and all girly things like that, and is a little princess herself, with golden curls and dark blue eyes :-)

And finally: how to make a napkin bunny for Ostara table:

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