but OF COURSE I can't find the cord that's needed between the camera and computer... *sigh*
I have my butterfly curtain, 6 doilies, 2 dishcloths and baby bear's blankie, but - no photo evidence ;-)
10 minutes later... I decided to make the last effort to find the bloody cord, crawled under the table and - guess what... it was jammed between the table leg and drawer and hidden behind a box of paper... So I found it.
And here's the photo evidence LOL
On the left, on
Baby Bear's Blankie (made with plain granny squares, bear squares and daisy squares and colorful cotton)
DW cloth and Danielle Côté's Victoria cloth;
double pineapple doily; texas star doily; Nancy Hearn's White Doily; Flower Posy doily and Wisteria doily - and then one I don't remember name of... I doubt I have the pattern saved either... Anyway, that's what I have been doing this summer :-)
Below the butterfly curtain (Yes, I know it's too short... I am going to sew it on a piece of cloth, so that it hangs over the window and can be seen properly - and so that the star sun catchers can be fastened on the cloth instead of the lace... Perhaps I should just add a longer string and hang them from the curtain rail... Stupid me... abusing pretty lace... :-( )

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