And eventually you get a bit more substantiate rewards too LOL
I have got two swap packages this week. One Skein last package - my swap pal was Swedish LOL She managed to keep her identity secret very well :-) Tack, Ulla, du är underbar! I just wish I knew where your blog is - if you have one... She has been sending me these wonderful, luxurious yarns in perfect colors, and wrapped so beautifully in nice scraps of quilting fabric.
Now she send me a card revealing her identity, a wrist warmers and pattern for it :-)
I have a tendency to get my wrists cold and aching, so she didn't know how well her gift suited me :-) I really cannot pour enough praise over her LOL The best One Skein pal ever :-)

And the Secret Pal :-) I got a note saying that a package was heading on my way, and today it arrived! YAY!
It was in a silver box. I love boxes :-)
Inside was a card - very nice card, with a picture of Whitby Abbey in sunset. Very mysterious and nice cards :-) You can see some of it behind the flash... *blush* I'm not good with pictures, I'm afraid...
Then there were the fashinating stone candles...Very nice :-)
A wool fat soap from Mitchell's Wool Fat Soap Limited :-)
Then there was a bag of sugar candy :-) Joseph Dobson's Yorkshire Mixtures :-D So I am munching away these "old fashioned sweets" as I sit here :-) The English apparently enjoy their sweets stronger than we do ours. These candies taste a lot :-)
A big package of Indian Spiced Chai tea bags... Cardamon, cinnamon and gloves. My husband is especially in love with chai, strong spiced tea with sugar and milk. :-) (By Whittard of Chelsea ;-) I really enjoy the fact that she is sending me products from where she is :-) It's fun to find out more about these companies... they should give her something for it LOL)
The scents were wonderful... candles, soap, tea, candies... Not too harsh to cause headache, but just enough to make me feel as if I was in a colonial ware store... I don't know if they are called that in English, but when I was a little girl, there were these stores that sold everything brought from the exotic, colonial countries; tea, dried fruits, candy and things like that. They smelled like my package, and I still remember how I loved just passing by these stores, because when the door opened, the smell of orient poured over me... Sweet and spicy *_* So my secret pal don't know what a treat she gave me :-)

There was a skein of beautiful pink mohair, wrapped in green tissue paper and closed with a beautiful little pink tassel in gold ribbon. I love tassels. I am really happy about that tassel too. Makes me feel a bit like a baby who doesn't much care what's inside the packages, because the paper and ribbons are so interesting LOL But no, I do care a lot about what's in the package, I just love tassels ;-)
And I have saved the best for last. There was a tiny green package and when I opened it, I saw a pair of most beautiful earrings! It looks like a shard of quartz or glass polished by ocean, wrapped with silver wire... and they are just so beautiful! I wonder if she has made them herself...
Thank you very much, my secret pal!
I feel so blessed with pals like this!
Glad you like the things in this package. The earrings are sea-ground glass, I collect it and make jewelry from it :) There's something really nice about the way the ocean can render a shard of a broken bottle harmless and beautiful. Enjoy!
Your SP8 Pal
Hot on the heels of this package, your final gift goes in the mail tomorrow with a card giving you a link to my blog. Sorry, they are like buses - all arriving at once! I thought we had until the end of August, but Bobbi is revealing us all on her blog tomorrow :)
SP8 Secret Pal
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