It's Yom Kippur and my husband's birthday.
The October challenges have not yet been published in "Tie One On" or "Pincushion Challenge".
(Added 3.10. Tie One On: Aprons as costumes (or part of an outfit, a fashion accessory), Pincushion Challenge: pincushion swap)
October socks in Six Sox looks pretty amazing :-)
"Project Spectrum" didn't obviously continue from August. :-( So I'll say that the color of October is orange :-) Orange and black ;-) Or orange, red, burgundy, yellow and brown :-D

" COLORS/THEME: HALLOWEEN - Orange, Black, Green & Purple and of course the BLACK CAT!
This is months theme is HALLOWEEN! So lets Spook it up with some bewitiching gifts in the haunting spirit of the season! Don't forget our Feline friend of All Hallows Eve.... the BLACK CAT! This months swap is sure to be purrrrrfect!"
November Color*iffic Swap*o*rama hasn't been posted yet, so that I don't know what it will be...
I have made some changes to my blog. A little arranging in the right hand column and a couple more blogs, Vattumato in Finnish and Knitting Crazy Cat Ladies... I'm a crazy cat lady wannabe *sigh*

1 comment:
Hienot sivut sinulla!!! Ja kiitos kiinnostuksesta blogiani kohtaan=o) Mutta erityisen suuret kiitokset rautalangala väännetyistä ohjeista!!! Sain kuin sainkin noita linkkikuvia blogiini. Kunhan on aikaa opettelen vielä sitä linkkien järjestelyä. Kiitos avusta=oD
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