Mystery Sock KAL
You don't need to be part of it to make a favor for all sock knitters around the net and create illustration to a sock pattern. All the sock patterns are worth knitting, and some of them might even be beautiful ;-)
Here's sock knitters
Here's a very nice Norwegian page "Sokker 2006" with a challenge for every month.
The patterns are mostly in English
See what Baglady made of them :-)
Here's Nanette Blanchard's photos of socks...
and just look at Blackberry Ridge's Sock kits and collections... (scroll down...) Don't these pictures just make you want to knit socks?
I wish I was rich... I'd buy all these patterns and all the yarns needed and knitted, knitted, knitted...
And a small reminder ;-)
June 18th:
You can check out my Yahoo! album for "socks" to see which socks I'm planning on knitting ;-)
The links to the socks on my album are mostly on these blog entries at Yahoo! 360
Socks, socks and more socks... and More sock links
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