Making stitch markers
- beaded stitch markers
- easy no-wire stitch markers
- "tiger tail" stitch markers
- polymer clay stitch markers
- beaded stitch markers
- "memory wire" stitch markers
- row counter marker - I think this is ingenious!
"Book" for circular needles
Hanging circular needle storage
Circ hanger from pant leg
Thoughts about this...
No-sew circ hanger
Circular needle cuddy
Circular needle organizer
Circular needle roll
Circular needle clutch
Buttericks offers this version - a little like CD bag (No, I tested - a CD bag is too small for circs...)

Knitting needle holder
Knitting Needle holder with stitch mark holder
Alexandra's Needle Case
Knitted needle case
Kable - knitted and felted needle case
Kimono Needle Roll
"Yet another brocade needle case"
sewn crochet hook case
crochet hook roll
Crocheted Afghan Hooks, Cro-Hooks or Knitting Needle Roll
crocheted crochet hook case with a pouch for extra thingies
smaller hook or pen pouch
Crocheted crochet hook bag/caddy
I storage my crochet hooks in a pen caddy I got in swap - it has cats on and is really cute :-)
The only problem with that is that I don't find the hook I need easily... But I made myself a crocheted hook caddy and the lace hooks just slipped straight through it. Not practical at all...
Little zippered pouch
Neck ribbon caddy
Tape measure cover
Tape measure cover - in French, but the pictures are very good
Tape measure covers - in Japanese, but the pictures are very good

Scissor holder
Scissor pocket
Quilted scissor case
Scissor case tutorial - in Italian, but the pictures are very good
Scissor fob/case - in Italian, but the pictures are very good
quilted flower pin cushion and leaf scissor holder
patchwork scissor holder and a patchwork fob
Triangle scissor case with fob
Strawberry pincushion/fob
Beaded button fobs
cross stitched pincushions - you can also use the rose in left
Here's the cutest needlework set with sheep! I LOVE SHEEP!!! There's a brass needle sizer and gauge measure with sheep! I so want it! Not available here... :-(

drawstring bag
Box bag tutorial
Little Boxy Pouch
Crafty Bucket
A little more demanding boxy pouch
tote bags 101
Little drawstring bag
Lined drawsting bag
Really easy drawstring bag
“Classic open tote”
Simple tote bag
Durable, reusable shopping bag
Another, simple, lined bag
Knitting tote bag
Sock tote
Fish bag - really cute drawstring bag that looks like fish - perfect to keep your yarn ball clean ;-)
Wrist yarn holder
Knitting pouch yarn holder
apple string/yarn holder
Thread ball holder
making a "yarn barn" or "yarn trainer" out of an old soda bottle
"Cut off bottom of bottle and insert yarn, pulling strand through top opening then tape bottom back on. This will keep your yarn from rolling across the room on you and your cat from playing with it."
Making a yarn holder of a plastic tub
row counter bracelet
row counter bracelet
Make your own niddy-noddy
Hardware store niddy-noddy
In action...
You really don't need to glue it...
portable table-top yarn swift
(My hubby made me one with cardboard and skewers and used an old lamp stand as holder - it might not look as pretty as this one, but it works very well, and that's the main thing :-))
How to make a center pull yarn ball without a yarn winder
another tutorial
third tutorial
fourth tutorial
How to use nostepinne - windstick :-)
Good tips to help you with your knitting - videos
Russian yarn join
Split-and-twist join
Roll your own blocking board
Get Crafty: make your own blocking board
make yourself a blocking board
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