So here's my Wednesday:Black picture ;-)

How did I find it? I am participating in a "Surprise Mystery Craft Challenge" swap. Why? I don't really know... it's really not my cup of tea... So when the others make great, artistic and fabulous things like this mobile, or these artworks, I make boring stuff like this:

But I suppose I was having difficulties in waiting for the "real" swaps to start, and then I was having Whiplash abstinence LOL
Your craft is beautiful. You have excellent English also.
Thank You, Your Majesty :-)
you know i just noticed you linked to the mobile i made, and i think it is so funny because i actually saw yours on flickr BEFORE i even made mine! i was suffering from artist's block so i was trying to search for ideas. i saw yours and i thought to myself why couldn't i have thought to make that! i was having so much trouble thinking of something, but as with anything one day an idea just comes to you!
i was sad because i didn't receive anything for this swap, but your creation rocked. maybe i'll make a mobile for myself :)
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