First the package and the card :-) Greenman... with a nice poem :-) The package was a little crushed in post - you can see the card is curved in a corner - but nothing serious.
You can also see my Lomonosov teacup, waiting to be filled; a waterglass, handblown in Sweden, with bear heads - so it's my husband's - and our kiddush glass - the red glass on a red glass plate. It's Friday today :-) Shalom Shabbat!

There was also the most beautiful yarn in just the right color... my camera doesn't make justice to the color, it's soft greens and aquas with a little pink, and it's absolutely lovely :-D It's Colinette's Giotto in Monet - the webpage doesn't make justice to the colors LOL

And the funny thing here is that this yarn goes perfectly with my handbag! Exact the same greens, blues and pinks! (It's the shine of the yarn that makes it look light blue. It's not. It IS the same colors as on the bag.) As they say, there are no coincidents ;-)
BTW, ignore what I said about variegated yarns, only natural fibres and so on... this yarn is 50% cotton, 40% rayon and 10% nylon, variegated, and "effect" yarn - all things I said I don't like :-D Now I'm really happy that my Secret Pal wasn't scared off to send me this yarn, it's absolutely lovely :-D As they say in Sweden "där fick jag" LOL (Translated somewhat similar to "figure that" - I was proved wrong :-) And am I not happy for it LOL)

- I opened the heavy bag and inside was this chocolate coffin...
I was really curious of what was inside - and it was strawberry fondant kind of mousse thing, light, fluffy and oh so GOOD!!! YUM!
Even my husband, who hates fruit fondants, loved this one :-)
If anyone ever goes to Whitby in Yorkshire, don't miss Justin!
Thank you very much, my British secret pal :-) I'm so happy I was assigned to you :-)
That yarn in Monet is gorgeous!
I just looked it up and darn, its not from my country so I can order it.
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