"Then it’s time for the most talked-about entry in this year’s contest: Lordi, the hard rock monsters from Finland. Wearing platform shoes that must be 12 inches high, lead singer Lordi growls out ‘Hard Rock Hallelujah’ in front of a stunning display of pyrotechnics – this isn’t just a few sparks; we’re talking huge jets of fire. Huge bat wings unfurl from Lordi’s back and by the end the now-smoke-filled arena is stunned. Terrifying but brilliant."
(And we are in the semi-finals in hockey world championships too - we beat Belarus 3-0 last night and need to beat Czechs tomorrow... I think Finland is one of the few countries in the world where they actually mentioned this in the middle of the ESC semifinals. :-D If the game would be played later, they would tell the results in the middle of the ESC finals too :-D Let's see what the Swedes too ;-) They are playing semifinals against Canada at the same time with the finals of ESC ;-))
Anyway. Now I know what I will do for Whiplash. There's a dog bed that needs a new cover, so I will be making a patchwork. I just need to think if I want to make it a rainbow, a pattern, just random squares or crazy patchwork. I don't know how time works with me, I need to visit my sisters this weekend. So I don't know if I have time to finish this thing. It's not a small job, considering that my sewing machine is broken, so I have to do it by hand. That's a good thing considering the fact, that I can do it sitting in train :-D Was there "sewing/crafting in public" group somewhere? I have seen "knitting in public". :-D
(The image is Paul Klee's Ancient Sound. Following the green theme of May ;-))
Congratulations with your first 1st place in the Eurovision song contest :-)
Congratulations on all. I was in Finland for a few weeks 16 years ago. You have a beautiful country. Have you ever been to America? Sisu!
Thank you! THANK YOU!!! I'm still extatic and delirious! WE WON! WE WON!!! YAY!!!
Hilde, it was so sweet of you to congratulate, it was such a deligthful surprise to find :-) Hugs, love and all :-)
And Your Majesty :-) I haven't been to America. :-( I would want to. So maybe one day :-) And thank you too :-)
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