So I didn't win last week... :-( Well, it doesn't matter :-) I enjoyed the project and some people liked mine best :-) That feels wonderful :-) And it feels wonderful to have created something, to design and finish a project - and really finish it.
This week the theme is "chic to classic". I wish there was some ideas to help on the way, because I can't think of anything... but on the other hand - that's the point with this whiplash thing! I have the scary and uncomfortable full freedom to do what ever I think depicts "chic to classic".
And it is not so that I don't have any thoughts about this... I am thinking of Chanel dresses and French women, who are very chic and classic at the same time - and Princess Diana (peace be with your soul) - chic and classic... and I was wondering if I'd make a spring outfit to a Barbie... But that's not original and fun! And thinking of chic to classic and fun, then I think about all the women who THINK they are oh-so-chic-and-classic and they are so not... Like dyed poodles... (poor creatures...)
And then I looked around at the whipup.net and now I have an idea, and I think it's a good one :-)
The doll in the picture is not mine, it's "My Favourite Doll" called "Chic Classic Coquette Cissy". I like her shoes... I think she's got "it"... ;-)
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