Saturday, March 28, 2009

What's your name...

It's the challenge at NaCroMoChallenge.
Perhaps letters, perhaps the meaning of your name.
Perhaps an image of what you think when you hear your name. Sanna comes from Shoshanna and means rose or lily. It's generally said to mean "lily", but then someone said this flower has 5 petals, and lilies have 6, so it must be rose then.

Nevertheless, I'm crocheting green; leaves and a camisole. Let's see what that will be.

I think these rest yarn bracelets are really cute :-)
Apartment Therapy has a tutorial on how to sew a pet bed of recycled sweaters. I really wish I had known one can actually do things of the felt :-D I have thrown away some quite ok sweaters destroyed by washing machine, never stopped to think the felt is good for use... *sigh*
Melody has a "Big bag tutorial"
Craftershock sells key ring notepads. Wonderful idea :-)
The Philosopher's Wife has a pattern on felted, knitted, lidded box :-) (Combine this with the old suitcase organizer idea from last blog entry...)
HomeSpun Threads has an illustrated list of several tutorials around the net
Thimbleanna's Purse Thingy

Remember, it's the Earth Hour day today. Let's make the planet go dark :-)

1 comment:

Labour of Love said...

Hi, Ketutar! Thank you so much for your visit and for your nice comment. Wasn't it wonderful to participate with the World and to try to make a difference?! I believe that no matter how small one's action was, the efforts still made a huge difference, don't you think?! great-ALL electricity shut that is impressive! I agree...doing something everyday to help our Earth would definitely be worth it, esp. spending more quality time with your loved ones! Hoping your world is experiencing beauitful Spring weather instead of my world...snow, sleet + slush...Mother Nature's last hurrah for sure! ;)